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SSL Checker - Check Your Website's SSL Certificate

What is SSL Checker?

An SSL Checker is a tool used to verify and validate the SSL certificate installed on a website. It scans the certificate to ensure that the connection between the web server and the browser is secure and encrypted.

Why is SSL Checker Useful and Popular Uses

The SSL Checker tool is essential for website owners and administrators to maintain the security of their websites. Some popular uses of SSL Checker include:

  • Ensuring the SSL certificate is properly installed
  • Checking the certificate expiration date
  • Verifying the certificate issuer
  • Detecting any potential security vulnerabilities

Key Facts about SSL Checker

Here are some important facts about SSL Checker:

  • The tool helps in identifying SSL/TLS configuration issues
  • It provides insights into the SSL certificate's validity and authenticity
  • SSL Checker assists in preventing data breaches and unauthorized access
  • Regularly using the tool can ensure the continuous security of a website


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